Increase your odds for Co-Op play with your friends with a quick flag
Design quickly explained here

Who is on for some team-play today?
Who is playing what right now (or close to it)

Know you hope to play - or be away anytime soon? Let others know to increase odds of co-play

Update your own info:Personal Links, each user should have their own, possibly behind a login/authentication then again, its good to let (trusting) friends answer for you

* Ric

* Annika

* Elis

Elis Discord Voice chat

DEV - please ignore, its for Lazy-Ric while building this;c&UsrID=Ric111&AppName=PUBG&Time=15:12:00



Help Players play more computergames with their real-life friends. Players that are low on time for play, but want to play with their friends in the little time they’ve got Could be parents, dedicated-students, elite athletes or people who travel a lot away from their gaming computer.

It does this by automatically sharing STEAM titles + Origin titles to a webpage + User notes and prompts

The idea is that you should be able to check and plan using just their phone but also able to leave the statuspage up on their computer screen if waiting for one.

Ric Firebase google doc